Systematic Desensitization: Empirical Evidence and Theoretical Issues


  • Francisco Villamarín Cid UAB


Investigations on systematic desensitization have pursued two main complementary goals. Some of them sought to test the efficiency of the technique as a whole. From the results we are able to conclude that systematic desensitization is a kind of efficient treatment suitable for a broad set of problems. Other investigations sought to evaluate the load of each element on the efficiency of systematic desensitization as a whole, and it appears that there is only one main and necessary condition, this is, to be exposed to situations generating anxiety. Research undertaken about the elements of systematic desensitization gave rise to some theories about this behavioral therapy that can be clustered in two sets: behavioural theories and cognitive theories.

Author Biography

Francisco Villamarín Cid, UAB

Departament de Psicologia de l'Educació, Unitat de Psicologia Bàsica, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona




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