Psychometric Characteristics of the CDI in Catalan


  • Pilar Monreal i Bosch UAB


In this work, a first study of the CDI (KOVACS 1980, 1981) psychometric

characteristics has been made on a Catalan version. This widely acknowledged scale for children depression symptoms rating as well as screening technique has been used in a lot of research out of our linguistic environment (SAYLOR, FINCH et al., 1984-1985; CYTRYN, MCKNEW and BUNNEY, 1980; LEFKOWITZ and TESINY, 1980). We thought it was necessary to enrich the clinic assessment with an instrument that took into account the linguistic variables of Catalan children in order to work on the children's depression field, by the means of a self-reported instrument. This study has been developed in Girona with two samples of normal 4th EGB schoolchildren.

Author Biography

Pilar Monreal i Bosch, UAB

Departament de Psicologia de la Salut, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona




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