Work well-being and prosocial behavior in a sample of Bra-zilian workers
Prosocial voice is as a proactive and positively oriented verbal behavior that the worker emits with the intent of promoting transformation that benefits the group or organization. Despite being a phe-nomenon widely studied in other countries, in Brazil there are few researches dedicated to this phe-nomenon. Supported by the literature gap and driven by the Positive Psychology perspective, the aim of this study was to describe how prosocial voice behaviors (PSV) are manifested in different Brazili-an workers. Additionally, we sought to analyze the predictive power of well-being at work on these behaviors. From the application of scales to a sample of 360 Brazilian workers, descriptive, correla-tion and linear regression analyzes were conducted. Results shows that some occupational variables, as well as individual variables interfere with the frequency of PSV issuance. Besides, the better a worker feels about his work, the more likely he is to engage in PSV behaviors.Paraules clau
Voice, Work, Well-being, Positive psychologyReferències
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