Psicología, Racismo y Antirracismo: segunda parte
We present the articles published in the dossier Psychology, Racism and Anti-Racism – Part 2. References to racial issues have gained space in the field of Psychology and the perspectives on racial issues in this science are often present as specific aspects of critical theories, but depending on the “place” that such perspectives occupy within these theories, the impacts, and criticisms for Psychology itself gain dimensions that point to punctual inclusions of some categories or to broader and more structural revisions of this field of knowledge. The articles published in this dossier contribute to questioning Psychology that throughout history has contributed to the reproduction of racism, articulated with other oppressions and violence, and point out ways of change in the area and reveal the need for an anti-racist turn in Psychology.
Palabras clave
Psychology, Racism, Anti-Racist TurnCitas
Carneiro, Sueli (2011). Racismo, sexismo e desigualdade no Brasil. Selo Negro.
Mayorga, Claudia (2007). Otras identidades: Mujeres, Inmigración y Prostitución. (Tesis Doctoral inédita). Universidad Complutense de Madrid.
Pavón-Cuellar, David (2021). Hacia una descolonización de la Psicología Latinoamericana: condición poscolonial, giro decolonial y lucha anticolonial. Cadernos Prolam/USP – Brazilian Journal of Ltin Amrican Studies, 20(39), 95-127.
Derechos de autor 2022 Claudia Mayorga, Ricardo Dias de Castro, Tayane Lino

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